Quality Assurance

Nutrafem is produced according to rigorous industrial processes of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and verified with state-of-the-art analytical techniques.
Good Manufacturing Practice
Nutrafem is manufactured according to GMP regulations in the methods, equipment, facilities, and controls required for producing botanical products with the highest purity, quality, strength and identity. The entire manufacturing process is controlled in every aspect, from the time raw materials reach the incoming warehouse through the finished products that are approved and released for distribution. The ultimate aim of such a thorough process is to provide our customers with confidence by consistently building quality into every batch, pack and tablet & capsule of Nutrafem.

GMP inspections are carried out by various agencies depending on the countries the products are marketed. In a GMP inspection, quality programs are examined in detail. For example:
  • Staff training
  • Facility, grounds and equipment cleanliness
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Quality assurance and quality record keeping
  • Production controls
  • Receipt of raw materials
  • Warehousing, distribution and post-distribution practices
For a GMP certified company, these elements naturally form the basic foundation of a quality product.
Extensive Testing
Testing is an integral part of Nutrafem manufacturing process. Our expert team of laboratory scientists analyzes raw materials, intermediates and finished products with optimal accuracy and precision possible to ensure Nutrafem delivers what it promises.
Testing is done in a state-of-the-art laboratory with instruments like high performance liquid chromatographs (HPLC) and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS).
Biological analyses are also performed to confirm Nutrafem is free from microbial contamination. More importantly, therapeutic activities are ascertained using novel biological detection techniques.
Nutrafem is a natural botanical supplement that manages and offers relief for symptoms and discomforts associated with peri-menopause or menopause.

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